Mi frase rectora

"Sabemos lo que somos, pero no lo que podemos llegar a ser"
William Shakespeare

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


It was a great experience

Miss Lowry and her Shaping Teachers in Peru
Sponsored by the United States Embassy in Peru. From July 22 to July 27 all English Teachers selected by United States Embassy and Ministry of Education met to attend Face to Face component of the 2011 Shaping the Way We Teach English: Best Practices for English Language Instructors, held in Lima. Attending Virtual Aula Instructional way and Face to Face, participants could see many ways to improve their English teaching skills.

This Program is Developed by University of Oregon in the USA. It was a great experience work with Ms Erin Lowry the main instructor.  These days, through Face to Face component, She drives us to Exchange many teaching experiences around the World. The aim is improve English teachers practices in different cognitive and language context. Studying new teaching fundations in theory and practice, this workshop brough for us new concepts about when, what and how to assess, motivation, reflective teaching English as ESL/EFL to beginners, secondary, young, adult learners, etc, etc.

Participants from different places in Peru and USA meet in Lima. They arrive from Baltimore(Ms Erin Lowry-Trainer), Tacna(Christian Miguel Navarro), Moquegua(Marisol Mamani), Puno (Mario Ramos), Cuzco (Juan C. Mamani, Roxana Mamani, Sandra Lourdes Diaz), Arequipa(Roxana Mercado, Fiorela Alana Cevantes, Arabella Bridget Mena), Huaraz (Shirley Marilia Torres, Patricia Milagros Huaman, Amelia Salvador), Chimbote(Juan C. Ausejo), Chiclayo(Santa Teonila Requejo), Chota(Manuel Malhaber), Iquitos(Elisa Gonzales, Edgar Guzman),  Yungay(Ever Romero), Trujillo(Maruzzela Beltrán, Piero Iván Moreno), Bagua(Johanna Alayo), Lima(Gladys Machado, Guiliana Fatima Di Natale)

We know that this excellent course help us to improve reflectively the new teaching/learning strategies in the classroom. We hope this kind of up date meetings could be more frequently. In Peru’s provinces teachers need much more assistance of  expert tutors, instructors and pedagogic trainers in ESL/EFL.

Finally  we are grateful to USA Embassy in Lima. Our congratulations to Mrs. Marcela Raffo, Mr. Arturo Field and Mr. David Fay.

See you next year.